Your partner in neurodiagnostics and monitoring
Quality, uncompromised
Provide the best care, you can
Ortus Medical carries only neuromonitoring products that are reliable, and offer unique benefits to our customers. Functionality, continous development and user friendliness are key criteria for our choice of neuromonitoring systems.
With the systems we offer a full range of state of the art accessories, all designed to make your surgery faster, easier and safer.
Neurodiagnostic accessories
Ortus Medical neurodiagnostic accessories are designed to meet the requirements of the clinical application. They provide the reliabliity and signal quality you need and are patient and user friendly.
With Ortus Medical you get full efficiency and perfect signals every time.
... and it doesn't stop
Needs and possibilities change all the time, and we stay on top of the development. When your needs change, our package changes too. We even re-evaluate with you, at agreed time intervals, to ensure that we never get behind.
If your work for better care depends on special support, we are there to support you, and to learn with you.
Request a visit, and learn what we can do together!
You are important to us!
At Ortus Medical we believe in dialogue, and in making a difference together.
We value your opinion, and we welcome your ideas. It is our purpose to improve care together with you.
Please contact us
Best care, at lower overall cost
"Together we make the difference"
Quality, uncompromised
"Rereliable results every time, with superior products"
Customer service,
proactive and personalized
"We remove obstacles before you reach them"
New products
for better care
"Transform your idea into a product in you hand"
Ortus Medical ApS
Hammersholt Byvej 1
3400 Hillerod
Phone: +45 5119 7064
C.V.R.: 37306576
Bank: Nykredit Account: 8117 3986130